Pandora’s Box

Graphic map entitled PANDORA’S BOX consists of nine digital prints. The works emerged as a consequence of the topic from the international project TRANSFORM 2012 –Pandora’s Box and Hope. Reflection about this ancient myth in the light of the occurrences that we witness, assumes the analyses of such categories as are humanism, nature, hope. In my works, I am establishing relationship with the interpretation of the Pandora’s Box myth through the history of fine art, considering the setting of forms and art history texts as a possible discourse.

The methodology is simple: confronting reproductions of paintings and sculptures with the media images of our time creates symbolically a new meta-dimension of reality, in which space and time amalgamate, reflecting an image of the world after history. The works establish a critical attitude towards the idea of linear progress and permanent evolution of civilisation. Environmental subtext represents an indispensable dimension of considering the problem, given that environment has become a new universal ideology.